Purchasing UNIFORM for the school year 23-24
School uniform is very important at Avonmouth C of E Primary School. It gives the children a real sense of belonging, and sends a message to our community about our school. It is important that all of our pupils wear the correct uniform
Uniform for Year 1 – Year 6
Uniform in Nursery and Reception
The Early Years Curriculum encourages the children to make the most of their
environment. This involves daily outdoor learning in all weather conditions and
can get incredibly muddy. We would therefore recommend jogging bottoms,
leggings or school trousers (rather than skirts and tights) in both Reception
and Nursery. The rest of the uniform is as Years 1 – 6.
Please do not send children in in ‘jumpsuit style’ clothing.
In Nursery the uniform is not compulsory but many children choose to wear it
to feel included as part of the school.
All items of clothing must be clearly named.
Purchasing UNIFORM for the school year 23-24
School uniform is very important at Avonmouth C of E Primary School. It gives the children a real sense of belonging, and sends a message to our community about our school. It is important that all of our pupils wear the correct uniform
Uniform for Year 1 – Year 6
Uniform in Nursery and Reception
The Early Years Curriculum encourages the children to make the most of their
environment. This involves daily outdoor learning in all weather conditions and
can get incredibly muddy. We would therefore recommend jogging bottoms,
leggings or school trousers (rather than skirts and tights) in both Reception
and Nursery. The rest of the uniform is as Years 1 – 6.
Please do not send children in in ‘jumpsuit style’ clothing.
In Nursery the uniform is not compulsory but many children choose to wear it
to feel included as part of the school.
All items of clothing must be clearly named.
Purchasing UNIFORM for the school year 23-24
School uniform is very important at Avonmouth C of E Primary School. It gives the children a real sense of belonging, and sends a message to our community about our school. It is important that all of our pupils wear the correct uniform
Uniform for Year 1 – Year 6
Uniform in Nursery and Reception
The Early Years Curriculum encourages the children to make the most of their
environment. This involves daily outdoor learning in all weather conditions and
can get incredibly muddy. We would therefore recommend jogging bottoms,
leggings or school trousers (rather than skirts and tights) in both Reception
and Nursery. The rest of the uniform is as Years 1 – 6.
Please do not send children in in ‘jumpsuit style’ clothing.
In Nursery the uniform is not compulsory but many children choose to wear it
to feel included as part of the school.
All items of clothing must be clearly named.